Well, we’ve been busy getting folks signed up to participate in PrintAustin–just registration in general with their galleries, alternative venues, or studios. There’s still time if you’d like to sign up. You have until Nov. 1. Registration info here. WPA Print Shop just signed up and will be exhibiting Sean Starwars’ work. I’m an absolute nut for Sean Starwars. I love his stuff! I can
‘t wait.
Other exciting news: 
We’ve dispensed more than 300 handkerchiefs for our flag print exchange–about halfway through our stash. Never fear, we can order more should we run out, but we’d love to have you participate. Here’s a set in progress. Register here until December 15. After that you’re outta luck.
WPA studio will be hosting a demo on different types of ink that can be used on fabric on Nov. 8. Details are still being ironed out, but that date is stable, so mark your calendars. They will be demoing Lumi inkodye ink, a cyanotype-kind-of-product that I’ve blogged about before, screenprinting including how to make your own light box, and relief printing, like on the hankies above. Stay tuned. I’ll be posting more info as it comes down the pike.
Our juried show The Contemporary Print has opened and we’ve received our first registrations!
Yes, this is big news! Before a launch there is always the wringing of hands–are there any missed typos, will there be enough time to do PR, will we get enough registrations to pay our expenses, etc. Luckily we have the experience of PrintAustin 2014, and we had a successful launch. We’d love for you to be part of the pool of applicants. Entry found here. Jurors: Kathryn Polk and Kevin McNamee-Tweed.