
experience contemporary printmaking

PrintAustin Collective, an artist-led nonprofit, works with local venues and artists to showcase traditional and contemporary approaches in printmaking. Join us during our annual festival, January 15-February 15, when we offer printmaking-focused experiences and virtual programming.
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Jane Button, 2024 Print Trade

Shop our Print Trade

PrintAustin’s Trade Portfolio is the perfect opportunity to grow your collection and support our organization! 12 prints were created by talented artists from all over Planet Earth and we organized a swap with other participants. They get back 10 and two prints from each edition were saved and will sold to benefit PrintAustin. Learn more about the artists and techniques by following the link below. 

5×5 Artist Interviews

We were delighted to partner with Ann Shafer of Platemark for our 5×5 interviews and are excited to report that 3 of our 5 are ready for ya! There are video options as well as listening on your favorite Podcast carrier. Thank you, Ann, for these exceptional interviews!

Current Programming

Trade Portfolio

Inspired by the collaborative tradition and democratic nature of printmaking, our Trade Portfolio is an opportunity for artists to participate in a print exchange. The Trade Portfolio will be exhibited at PrintEXPO and virtually on our PrintEXPO website. A limited number of prints will be available for purchase. 

Artist Directory

Artists who are part of our member community help support our programming while showcasing a bit of their work through their artist profile.

Print Rodeo

Print Rodeo is a simple-and-fun print fair hosted by Central Machine Works, a local brewery with an indoor and outdoor venue. Print Rodeo is a one-day fair from 11-4pm. We’ll have a juried group of artists with prints for sale all in the very fun atmosphere of this South Austin brewery.


Check out our exhibition catalogs, visit recorded artist talks, and see videos from our 2021 online PrintEXPO Conference–something for both collectors and experienced printmakers! More videos can be found on our YouTube channel.

Caster Printing Workshop with Sheila Goloborotko

Aiming to find a substitute for an Etching Press that would provide quality printing for Intaglio plates, artist and professor Sheila Goloborotko discovered that printing with a caster resulted in similar results. During this session, she shares her findings and demonstrates this new-found technique.

Artist Talk with Rashaun Rucker
Rashaun Rucker, our 2023 juror for The Contemporary Print, gives a glimpse into his life and art practice in this animated and inspiring talk, recorded and hosted by The Art Galleries at Austin Community College.

Printmaking and Its Influence on French Impressionism: Lecture by Daryl Howard

Join Daryl Howard as she shares the development of the Japanese Print from its beginning to the current day. She talks briefly about the technique itself and how it changed through history. Howard relates how Impressionism rebelled against the French Academy and utilized many elements from the Japanese print to begin their new path.

Lego and Be: Demonstration by Martin Mazorra

In this 20-minute presentation, Brooklyn-based Artist Martin Mazorra shares how they came to terms with making art during quarantine without access to the tools and facilities traditionally used to make woodcuts and letterpress prints. By showing images of the steps and missteps, Mazorra reveals how through mindful play they adapted toy Lego building blocks to stamp a richly layered multi-color series of Coney Island sideshow-themed artworks.

Carving and Printing Relief Blocks on the Letterpress

Join Kat Hartley of One Straw Press as she demos carving and printing relief blocks on the letterpress. This will be a combination of recorded and live content.

Art as Activism: Talk by Ann Johnson and Rabéa Ballin

“This is precisely the time when artists go to work. There is no time for despair, no place for self-pity, no need for silence, no room for fear. We speak, we write, we do language. That is how civilizations heal.” — Toni Morrison-1984. The power of art in times of distress, resistance, and rebellion has reemerged. Rabéa Ballin and Ann Johnson examine process, content and ultimately artists using their passion and creativity as a form of activism.

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