It was a delight to open up the recent issue of Printmaking Today and see an article that mentioned PrintAustin’s 2021 festival along with an image by Oliver Pilic, one of 5 artists chosen to be part of our exhibit, The Contemporary Print: 5×5 by our juror, Delita Martin.
Everyone has had a tough year, and so our struggles with what to do as an organization during a pandemic were not unique. However, I am proud of us for forging ahead in a mostly virtual environment when it would have been a lot easier to punt. It kept our minds busy and we really had to stretch our skills. Even with our struggles to learn new platforms on a much smaller budget, we formed new partnerships and even managed to grow our print family.

We look forward to 2022, where we hope fold what we learned over the last year into our in-person programming. More so than that, we look forward to seeing you and everyone else, interacting in real time.
Here’s to continued brightness and hope as we continue through 2021! —Cathy Savage, PrintAustin Founder