
We love the Harry Ransom Center. You can request to see items out of their catalog and they will bring them to the reading room for observation–and the HRC has generously curated two print room exhibits as well as a curator’s tour of their current exhibit for PrintAustin. (The HRC also has a Gutenberg Bible, and since the printmaking world owes so much to the Gutenberg Press, check out one of these historic bibles (only 48 still exist) during your visit.)


February 13
Curator’s Tour of “The World at War, 1914-1918”
The HRC’s WWI exhibition contains several items print related including color lithograph war posters (like above), prints by Eric Gill, and Apollinaire’s Calligrames and the tour focuses on print materials
Time: 10 am
Exhibition Dates: February 11–August 3
Location: Harry Ransom Center, 300 W 21st Street

Select Prints on display at the Harry Ransom Center’s Reading Room
This curated event will focus on prints used in books; will include work by Leonard Baskin, Claire Van Vliet, Eric Gill, and Barry Moser
Time: Two tours, 2:30 and 3:30 pm. Space is limited. See the PrintAustin Facebook page for an RSVP. 
Location: Harry Ransom Center Reading Room, 300 W 21st Street, Second Floor

February 15
Select Prints on display at the Harry Ransom Center’s Reading Room
This curated event will focus on free standing prints and will include, among others, prints from the HRC’s Universal Limited Art Editions Collection
Time: 9:30 and 10:30 am. Space is limited. See the PrintAustin Facebook page for an RSVP. 
Location: Harry Ransom Center Reading Room, 300 W 21st Street, Second Floor