
Thank you for your interest in PrintEXPO 2023! This year we will be accepting applications until November 1. We will notify artists by December 1.

Important Information:

Dates: PrintEXPO will be held February 10-February 12, 2023. 

Schedule (subject to change slightly): Friday we will be open to the public from 6-11pm, Saturday, 11am-5pm, and Sunday, 11am-3pm.  We will be holding a VIP event on Friday from 6-7pm, then will be opening to the general public from 7pm on. Vendors are expected to be at their booth, or within the facility, during all operating hours.

Prices: We have new wall spaces and costs based on Blue Genie’s new, required floorplan–we checked it out and are excited about the flow, as we think it will be more inviting to visitors. Prices get you the wall space, table, chair, and a profile on our website to be created and edited by the artist using this application process. If we can receive grant funding, we will be producing a mini catalog (page dimensions 6.5 x 4′) for PrintEXPO artists.

We will have some flexibility with the floorplan, but we’re trying hard to please our venue because we get these great walls! Indeed, they aren’t great to look at, but you can cover them up with paper and add shelving as in the single and a half pic below. They also will be covered with your artwork, so covered or not, they will look great in the end!

If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to contact us at info@printaustin.org

Applications will be open on September 1. PrintAustin members can skip the $5 application fee.
