Make a Donation
Your donation makes a huge impact on our print community! Donations help us cover costs of producing our signature programs including the PrintEXPO, The Contemporary Print and 5×5 Juried Exhibitions; they contribute to our Artist Fellowship fund that allows us to waive participation fees for low-income artists; and they allow us to recruit renowned jurors for our juried exhibitions.
Select your gift amount and make a donation below!
Help us rehab a donated press!
We were fortunate to receive a small Charles Brand press, which we’ll use in the future for demos and workshops. However, it’s missing its handle! Machining this part will cost $600. Please consider making a donation. A $600 one and done donation will get you a plaque on our press. A $200 donation will get your name embroidered on our top blanket. A $100 or less donation will get your name on our guide sheet on the press bed. THANK YOU!
Support Artist Stipends and Awards
Each year, PrintAustin provides nearly $7,000 in Artist Stipends and Awards during our Juried Exhibitions. Your donation of any amount will directly support artists and allow us to recognize exceptional work being made in printmaking through The Contemporary Print and 5×5 Juried Exhibitions!
Interested in naming an Artist Award after yourself, your company, or a loved one? Make a donation of $500 or more to become an Artist Award Sponsor.
Sponsor Our Festival
Does your organization, business, or brand align with the work we do at PrintAustin? Let’s talk! Our annual festival offers many opportunities to promote your products and services. Select your sponsorship level and connect with us at info@printaustin.org.