Daryl Howard in her studio. Photo courtesy of the artist.
In partnership with Big Medium and Sightlines, PrintAustin invited woodblock printmaker Daryl Howard to join Jeanne Claire van Ryzin, Editor in Chief and Executive Director of Sightlines for a conversation as part of Big Medium’s weekly Coffee Chats. Howard spoke of her time in Tokyo apprenticing under master printmaker Hodaka Yoshida, how her practice has changed due to social distancing during Covid-19, and the way she has embraced technology in recent years in order to continue creating prints.

Daryl Howard at The Contemporary Print 2020 opening reception. PrintAustin 2020. Photo by Scott David Gordon.
Howard is a proud participant of PrintAustin, having hosted Ukiyo-e workshops during past festivals, exhibiting her work at the last two PrintEXPOs, and most recently having been selected for The Contemporary Print 2020.

Daryl Howard at PrintEXPO 2020. PrintAustin 2020. Photo by Scott David Gordon.
Be sure to check out Howard’s Coffee Chat below and stay tuned for an upcoming one-woman exhibit she has in the works!