Apply for a booth at PrintAustin’s EXPO, Saturday, February 2, 2019, from 12-5pm, with a Friday night launch party–The Printmaker’s Ball from 7-10pm. Our 2019 EXPO will be centrally located at the Blue Genie Big Top, 6100 Airport Blvd, Austin, TX 78752.
Artists/galleries/vendors are curated by Carlos Hernandez of Burning Bones Press and PrintAustin. EXPO includes a vendor fair, steamroller printing, and printmaking demonstrations. Spaces are limited.
Expo artists, galleries, and printmaking vendors to date:
Carlos Hernandez and Burning Bones Press, Tim Doyle of Nakatomi, Inc, Black Crow Press, Bale Creek Allen Gallery, Nicole Longnecker Gallery, Daryl Howard, Flynn Craft House, Veronica Ceci, Fifty-Nine Parks Print Series, Wally Workman Gallery, Beast Syndicate, Sybil Press, Carlos Pozo Art, Aaron deGruyter, Mark Farris, Dennis McNett, Liv M. Johnson, Recspec Gallery, Tess Doyle, Martin Mazorra/Cannonball Press, Moonhowler Press and Spooky Press, Benjamin Sorrell, Inky Lips Press, Una Scott, Futuristic Press, Brooke Molla, American Printmaker: Jesse Shaw, Iron Frog Press, Erin Miller, Selene Bataille, Guerra Girl, Barrio Dudes, Reboprints, QIAOYI SHI, Full Court Press–sponsored by Speedball
Also presenting, our sponsors: Texas A&M-Kingsville, Speedball
* Open to artists creating hand-pulled prints of any kind (prints on paper, textiles, etc), galleries showing or selling prints, or businesses that sell printmaking materials or services for printmakers
P A R T I C U L A R S:

Pic courtesy of Blue Genie Big Top
* Booths (a standard booth size is an 8’ x 8’ open “cube”, so you will have 3 walls–see pic) will be sold per print organization or vendor and are $100 each. Individual artists can share a booth. If you wish to purchase two booths for a larger space, you may do so and we will combine the spaces by eliminating the center wall.
* Upon approval, you will be sent an invoice to be paid within 2 weeks in order to hold your spot (fee includes booth(s), 2 chairs per booth, signage, and promotion. A table can be purchased for an additional fee–you are welcome to bring your own props such as a bin and/or table.)
* Please email logos and promotional pics to info@printaustin.org after approval
* Steamroller printing will be dependent on weather conditions
* Sorry, no refunds available
N U T S and B O L T S
1. We are winding down registration and will be releasing reserved tables soon. Right now we’re putting new applicants on a waiting list.
2. Get approval and receive an invoice
3, Send in your payment
4. Send additional promotional pics to info@printaustin.org by January 20, 2019
If you have more curiosity about our venue, check out the video below. It shows a raw space, but you’ll get the idea.